Aug 20, 2024

Adelaide and heading West

 A 3 day catch up with our daughter and family in Adelaide was lovely and so was our two visits to China Town to have our favourite chicken & rice with laksa broth !! Mmmmm yum !!

We stayed at the Brownhill Caravan park and it is in a lovely bush setting, unfortunately the weather was shocking! thunderstorms, Lightning and very heavy rain made driving back to the van one night an unpleasant experience 😳 and the planned catch up with washing took longer than we expected. We enjoyed watching our grandsons play in a soccer game. 

Away from Adelaide and heading and West is a place called Stone Hut, they have a wood fired bakery and sell some of the best pies and pasties we have bought.  That was lunch sorted. 

We like to go via Melrose / Wilmington and it was just before Melrose we stopped at an awesome camp area called Doughboy Reserve, all by ourselves and all the lovely birds. We also had a nice camp fire. 

We have mates from Geraldton on their way East and it was arranged to catch up for a night at another nice place Kooma View Farmhouse. We have stopped here before and it is an amazing place, the Marshall Family have left the old farmhouse as exactly as if they were living in it and just walked away, well that’s what they did but moved to a newer home and allow visitors to camp and look through the old house.  Definitely
worth a look if passing by.  

The Big Galah at Kimba

Kooma Farmhouse

We had a great night with our mates from what I remember of it 🥴🥃 I do recall seeing a beautiful Striated Pardalote bird and have photos to prove it 😂

Presently stopped for the night at the old Cohen School Site. We have battled an incredible head wind all the way, hopefully tomorrow is a lot better.

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