G’Day my name is Mick and along with my wife Vickie we welcome you to our Blog, Our number plate on our car is NIKNOFF and that’s what we enjoy doing, especially once the colder wet weather of winter arrives. We have been visiting and staying along the Ningaloo coast for 30 years and still rate it as one of the best camping spots in Australia. Our early years were weekends away with our kids, first in tents and then camper trailers. In 2005 we bought our 1st Caravan, and in 2007 we upgraded to an Off Road Van.
We have easily travelled over 300.000 kilometres around and through Australia in the last 15 years, from 2009 we lived full time for six years in our last van, a Bushtracker and we only recently sold that and bought a new caravan, a Masterpiece Optimum Off Road caravan. It’s unlikely we will be lucky enough to have another 15 years of travel as we’re not getting any younger but we’re not finished yet and intend to clock up a few more kilometres with our new van before we say enough is enough.
Anyhow, we hope you enjoy what you see and get some ideas for your own travels.
C’ya around
Mick & Vickie