Aug 31, 2022

Continuing South NT - 31st August 2022

Whilst we have phone signal I’ll catch up on the photos and our journey, 

We wanted to visit Edith Falls - again, it’s been 10 years or so since last time so time for a revisit. The weather is HOT and not having anything booked on the NT parks site we decided to camp 20k prior to the park and go in the next day. Well .. it was bloody hot and parked up in a dusty free camp area wasn’t the most enjoyable… but we toughed it out. The next morning we drove in and checked out the area, very little water over the falls but Dave had his customary dip - and that’s all it was .. Coffee & Cake at the cafe and we were on our way. 

Our next overnight stop was at the WW2 McDonald Airstrip, an excellent place well away from the highway with kilometres of space and almost unlimited firewood. Lots of noisy Apostle Birds to keep us interested also. 

Further South we visited Devils Marbles another revisit for us and surprised to see you can no longer climb around on the rocks, also the free camping is now controlled by the NT parks system. We walked around and moved on, we stayed a night at another great camp spot just a few kilometres before Barrow Creek, a great backdrop of hills around us. 

We are now at Alice Springs, staying at the Motor Transport museum (which is awesome - photos in a seperate post)

We have been into Town during the day, the usual shops and visit to Bunnings, lunch at the Casino and donated a few dollars .. having been here a few times we have no interest in revisiting The Rock, Kings Canyon etc, the Billy’s haven’t been before so they have headed off for a week to do the tourist things and we intend to catch up around Coober Pedy.

Edith Falls NT 

Edith Falls NT

Edith Falls NT

WW2 Airstrip
WW2 McDonald Airstrip

Sunset at the Old Airstrip

Our Camp for the night at McDonald Airstrip 

Just some pretty flora 

The Historic and Interesting Larimah Hotel 

Larrimah Hotel, during WW2 Larrimah was a RAAF Base 

Larrimah Hotel, also known as the Pink Panther Pub

A walk around the hotel and old buildings 

History lesson on Larrimah

Plenty of old WW2 memorabilia 

Inside a building, the remains of what looks like the communications centre

Vickie showing off her strength 

Happy couple photo 


OOPS .. who Farted

Devils Marbles 

Our camp for the night, this was our back ground view 

A walk up the hill for an over view of our camp 

Welcome to Alice Springs

Todd Mall Market 

Pretty Bougainvillea 

The Old and the New, The historic Residence with the modern Court House behind 

Main St Alice, Alice is an eye opener ... sadly some of the locals run amuck, vandalising buildings and cars. 

Aug 27, 2022

Yellow Waters Kakadu 27/08/22

Some photos of our Yellow Waters boat tour. For me this was one of the best tours I have been on, we chose the Sunrise trip and we were not disappointed, lots of birds of many species and Crocs by the dozens. 

Our tour guide was great and kept us all informed with the different birds and some of the history of the area. The $110 was well spent, though we did put up another $89 for a night at Cooinda Lodge & Caravan Park, they basically have you over a barrel if you want to do the tour, but they did have a huge swimming pool that we all used for most of the afternoon. And to put a few more dollars into their pocket we had a Pizza for tea.

Camped along Dumaresq River

 Another night along the Dumaresq River in QLD but this time at Bengalla Reserve. The reserve has a few nice camping spots and we were lucky...