With closing time almost upon the workshop the Mechanic took the car around the back and within 45 minutes returned with everything working as it should. The problems were, blown fuses, fuses put into wrong connections and some error codes that needed resetting. The fuses we had checked a dozen times and because Dave's 200 is a GX it has a lot of missing fuses because it doesn't have the options the fancier models have, Dave mistakenly was checking the fuses but putting them back in the wrong place. With that sorted all he had to do was pay the bill, now considering this was a squeeze in job that went on after hours we were pleasantly surprised to hear the word $100. So Thank You Kununurra Toyota.
The next day we were able to leave and head to Lake Argyle. This place had changed a lot since we were there last, no large infinity pool back then! and the size of the camping area had grown. We got the vans set up and hit the pool, one word FREEZING, the next word, amazing and more words after that .... well, you get the drift. We did the photo thing of us blokes in the pool, the girls were too soft to give the freezing water a go. That night we went to listen to an entertainer, he was very funny but actually very borderline risque for a family venue.
The next day was spent driving around the area, checking out the Lake Argyle from the viewing area's, Dave and Jo went to look at the Historic Durack Homestead which we had seen before so we left them to it and went back to camp. Whilst we were there some travellers arrived towing what looked like a Bushtracker, but there were things about it that didn't add up and made me doubt it was. After talking to the owner and builder i found out he made it himself and copied some of the Bushtracker design. I was impressed with what he had achieved.

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