Wazza & Bev left and we decided to also leave and head down to Flaharty's Beach for an overnight stop, when we got there it wasn't what we were looking for, we must be getting fussy so we drove on in to Point Turton which, Yes has a lovely Jetty, here we could see Yellow Tail King Fish & squid swimming below us but no amount of fresh bait could entice the Kingy's to bite and the squid couldn't have been less interested if they tried. Another Jetty Failure.

We drove another 15k's or so and came across Dunn Point, this was the 1st place we had come across that had a sign up about camp fee's & permits. We had neither but set up our camp expecting a Ranger or Council Equivalent to come along but we saw no one except some boat anglers launching and retrieving their boats. The Wind was picking up again so i dropped the awning and packed the chairs away.

There are lots of lovely scenic spots along the coastal track, it is mostly gravel and very corrugated in places but with the Tyre's down on the Effy and Bushtracker we cruised along slowly. We were needing to replenish our water tanks and thought that Corny Point may have been the town but we could not find a public tap, we did find the Corny Point Light House and that was our spot for morning smoko. A couple of motor homers were camped up along the track, we have come across many along the way and we presume they are all waiting for the CMCCA Rally to be held in Whyalla at the end of the month.

We checked out places like Berry Bay, Point Annie & Swincer Rocks before deciding to stay the night at Gleesons Landing, we had an area to ourselves facing the ocean and though the tide was out and the beach was mainly rock as it is elsewhere it was still a lovely outlook. That was until the wind picked up, this was the worst we have found it, along with the wind it kicked up a sand storm of fine dirt, luckily i had set up the Sat Dish and had the Clipsal 500 V8 Car Race to watch on TV even so it was still frustrating sitting in the van getting hammered by the wind and sand, i recall saying to Vick that 'at least it's not in the Kimberley kamper' LOL

Daly Head was a rough track in, but the views were worth it, we watched a group of surfers being towed to the waves by a Jet Ski and then drove around the corner to take in a different view of a long white beach with crashing waves, there were steps going down but neither of us felt the urge to bother, even the thought of throwing a few lures out into the wild waters couldn't get me excited, I must be starting to relax.

Even the rocks are not safe from the Graffiti Vandal

Tomorrow we will go and stay in the Innes National Park, $7.50 entry fee and $5 per car per night camp fee, so that is reasonable compared to what WA parks charge.
hi mick & vick looks like you are having a good time. well after 22years its no more island living for us .we need some info on bushtrackers ect.will you email us.
hope to see you on the track in the future geoff & vick
great to hear from you G&V, i have emailed you
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