Nov 12, 2018

Perth 4WD Adventure Show - 11th November 2018

A day spent at the Perth 4WD Adventure Show, caught up with some old friends and made some new ones. If your into 4WD, travel, camping and fishing these blokes should be familiar.

#Ronny Dahl
#Graham Cahill
#Jase Andrews

Jase Andrews All4Adventure

Graham Cahill Ecomuse Images

Ronny Dahl 

Oct 1, 2018

1st October 2018

Well our five month trip around Australia is over and what a trip it was. A lot of where we went we had been before, so the enjoyment factor for some of it wasn’t as high as it should have been, plus having extremely annoying car issues most of the trip, certainly got the stress levels rising, enough to warrant a visit to the emergency section to get the heart checked over, which got the all clear which was a relief but some follow up is required now we’re home, both the car and myself.

Yesterday as we were heading past Coolgardie a thunderstorm hit us with lots of spectacular lightning bolts, not a lot of fun driving through so we pulled into Boondi Rock to stay for the night. We were very impressed with the camp area, large separated camping spots, extremely clean and the dam and rock itself were amazing, the work gone into the canals to direct water was awesome.

One thing we will be doing more of in the future is shorter closer trips to home rather than doing the big laps we have done so many times. In particular we like the granite country out in the wheatbelt country and of course we will still be going to Ningaloo.

Some distance and fuel figures for our trip.

17,623 klms travelled
$6,075 for diesel
3096 litres diesel
21.52LPH average

We hope you have enjoyed our trip stories and photographs, until next we are NIKNOFF again Cya’s

Sep 29, 2018

Adelaide and Home 29th September 2018

We stayed a week at our daughters home in Adelaide and it was lovely seeing our two grandsons Oakley and Tate, we took them to the Adelaide Zoo and though they enjoyed it they are still to young at 4 and 3 to fully appreciate it, now had there been dinosaurs or soldiers on display it would have been different. After a few days of baby sitting & refereeing a few brotherly squabbles and tantrums whilst our daughter and husband were at work we left our our daughter and her family with a tear in our hearts. 💕



After Adelaide we stopped a night at Kimba Recreation Reserve, a popular camp area for caravan enthusiasts. We checked out the painted silos which we thought were excellent.

Our next night we bush camped approximately 30klms west of  Yalata where we had a great camp fire and listened to plenty of classic songs of our era. We had hoped to catch up with friends heading East and I’m sure I saw their rig go past but with no reply on the uhf radio there wasn’t much we could do.

We had what could have been a dangerous incident occur twice, each time we were overtaking a slower vehicle and the car lost power. Not the ideal situation, I was able to pull back in and stop off the road, I have a scan gauge fitted and I was able to scan for any error codes of which there was one showing, apparently it’s a high turbo boost pressure issue but I think it has more to do with a engine pre-filter that was restricting fuel pressure. I cleared the code and was able to continue on but at our next stop I replaced the filter, fingers crossed.

Saturday being AFL grand final day we hit the road early to get some distance done before stopping at Pannikin Cave near Cocklebiddy to watch the footy. After watching a great game and pleased the West Coast Eagles were the winners Vickie suggested driving on another hour to save us the hundred kilometres tomorrow. We expect to arrive home Monday.

Sep 19, 2018

19th September 2019

We left Bingara after six nights of enjoying the camping company of friends. We had a few days to get to Adelaide and our 1st night stop was at Bogan weir at Peakhill, it was freezing outside so it was TV time and turn the diesel heater on. (Tough camping) 😁

We stopped to check out the painted silos at Weethalle which were completed in 2017, they looked awesome. That night we spent at Sandy Point campground in Hay, another chilly night outside.

With rain showers coming down we stopped at Parilla for a break and boiled the kettle, after which we checked out the old buildings and hotel which is for sale. Sadly most of the small towns we drove past were almost deserted with shops and homes closed up.

The third night we stopped at a free camp at Sherlock. More rain showers kept us inside the van with heater going.

Tonight we find ourselves at Mannum on the Murray river, we have been here a few times before and this time it’s the quietest we have seen it. Tomorrow it’s a short drive into Adelaide where we are looking forward to seeing our family.

Sep 11, 2018

Bingara NSW - 11th September 2018

After a three day visit to Vickie’s Brother at Tweed Heads we left the bright lights of Club Banora and Twin Towers for the serenity of Gwyder River Bingara. We had arranged to catch up with mates Kimbo and Nerida from Newcastle to join us and as it usually happens we arrived within 10 minutes of each other. So for the next few days it’s relax, enjoy each other’s company and the prolific bird life of this idyllic area.

Rotisserie Roast Pork courtesy of Kim & Nerida Greenwood, cooked on the Wedge Fire Pit whilst camped along the beautiful Gwyder River, Bingara

Nerida, Kimbo, Vickie, Mick 

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....