Nov 7, 2013

All The Way Home - November 2013

This could well be our last update for many months, we are now home.

Getting here was just another drive, it was lovely catching up with mates Mal & Lynne at Maldon though we only stayed a night as the pull of seeing our now pregnant daughter Erin in Adelaide was to strong to ignore. We had a lovely Thai meal and caught up with any news that we all had and left Maldon the next day, stopping at the Chocolate Mill just out of Daylesford where Vickie bought some metal art for our garden, and NOT ONE chocolate .... amazing

From there it was down and across to Adelaide where it was hugs all around with our Daughter and husband on the fantastic news that they are expecting a baby next April. We are so happy for Erin as she has always been baby mad from a very young age, her working life has involved child care in one form or another and now she is to be a mother herself. What with our son and his partner having a gorgeous daughter and our eldest daughter with two girls of her own we feel our lives as parents passing on the baton to our children is accomplished, though Erin and Scott i think we need to have a BOY ....

We stayed a week in Adelaide, visited China Town three times for the best Chicken and Rice and also visited a Chinese restaurant twice for an evening meal, Adelaide is fantastic for it's reasonably priced restaurants. I did a couple of handy man jobs on Erin's home and spent most afternoons on the lounge with their [child] dog, Kenya. We caught up with Vickie's Brother Al and his wife Eileen on a Sunday and drove to Hahndorf for the afternoon, they were flying home the next day and Vickie had arranged to fly home as well and let me drive the long road home by myself, that suited me fine and that's what we did

The long drive home was just that ... a drive, nothing exciting happened nor did i do anything exciting along the way, Vickie and I are both looking forward to being home and settling back into our house, it's been 5 years and 11 months and we are over traveling around, WHAT? do i hear you say .... well Yes ....... we are over the traveling with no real purpose, we don't intend to stop and or sell the van but what we will do is revert back to what we used to do and that's go away for a month or three and then come home for a similar time, we both need to get back into our home for sanity but also well aware that we will also need to get away again for the same reason. When we first started it was exciting and different, we saw many places for the 1st time and enjoyed the experience of moving slow, the last twelve months has not been like that, we have felt that we were being steam rolled along through circumstances arising and not all of it has been enjoyable, we felt like we were doing it just for the sake of it. We need to chill out at home, get our lives back, re-socialize with friends and enjoy time with our family and grand daughters and get our mojo back.

So there we have it, this blog has been enjoyable but also i created a monster for myself, i tell people i have done it for myself which is entirely true, i want to be able to look back at the many places we visited, the people we have met, some whom we now call friends, it's been lovely to read the comments from visitors and i am pleased that many have found it interesting, i don't write like a travel / tour company but from my heart and our experiences. Thank you to those that have taken the time.

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....