Sep 24, 2013

Coober Pedy - Kenilworth September 2013

With the decision made to return to Bushtracker in Queensland to get the repairs done we said goodbye to Rick and Julie and headed South. We battled a strong head wind and though our speed was very conservative the fuel economy rocketed up to 27lts per 100kms !!! Instead of getting our usual 400 + klms per tank we achieved only 300klms! Thank goodness it only lasted that day and we pulled in at Lake Hart Lookout for our 1st night. It was blowing a gale so we didn't sit outside any longer than to watch the sunset.

Lake Hart Lookout

 The next day we were up and on the road by 7am and around midday pulled into the BP truck stop at Port Augusta for fuel for the car and ourselves. We had a very filling burger each and one of the best bought Cappuccino's we have had. Now we were starting to travel North and because this wasn't a site seeing trip we decided to travel the route the quickest up into Queensland, coincidentally it's almost the same roads we traveled on just weeks before. The Outlaw Motorcycle Club the Rebels were having an Australia wide club run and we were getting passed by groups of them, think what you will it's an impressive sight and sound to be overtaken by mobs of bikers, we were relieved they didn't do a Mad Max on us.


One of their support vehicles must have driven past us 3 or 4 times, we ended up getting waves. At one point we came across a couple of bikes stopped on the side of the road, i slowed down to see if all was OK and got the big thumbs up.

 The trip at this stage was fairly uneventful, we stopped at one truck bay for lunch and saw this 5th Wheeler with a damaged hub, at a good guess it looks like they lost the wheel, hub from bearings that had collapsed causing it all to let go. No one was around so we guessed they were off getting repairs organized. What did amaze me about this particular 5th Wheeler was the very light suspension set up, i sure wouldn't feel confident having that set up under a Van the size of that.

 Queensland has the WORST bitumen roads in Australia ! We had driven up through Broken Hill and on up to Cunnamulla, there we made a right turn and headed through St George and Dalby. The flooded black soil has destroyed the bitumen surface and we had a rough ride. Amazing that people put so much emphasis on corrugated tracks when main roads like these are allowed to be in such terrible condition. The other thing we noticed was hundreds of dead roo's and emu's, with very little water and rain fall out these parts the animals are all feeding along side the roads and becoming road kill by the many trucks and cars traveling.

An old cottage at Kainjkillenbun
The Bun Pub
We stopped a night at Westmar opposite the hotel and received a message from friends Stephen and Robyn [Gone Bush] that they were at Blackbutt showgrounds and had a wheel bearing problem with the van, coincidentally that was the route we were going so arranged to call in the next day. Blackbutt is a lovely town, reasonably priced camping at the showgrounds of $8 per night, water but not power. The Town also has one of IF not the best Bakery we have visited and we have seen a few, i love my pies !! Well these were superb, so much so we ended up buying 10 for take away to go in the freezer.
The Beef, Red Wine and mushroom i would give 10/10, the Chunky steak a 9/10 and Vickie said the Lamb and Rosemary Pie was the best she has had. During our time there i also fitted in a Crocodile Pie, their Gold Medal winning gourmet pie, to me it tasted like Chicken Mornay, and though it was nice i preferred their beef style pies.

The afternoon was spent chatting with Stephen and Robyn and later another Van pulled in and it was an old contact i had with the VKS-737 HF network, Stuart and his wife Jane, they along with another couple joined us all for a few drinks around the fire before we all got in our vans and watched the AFL game between Fremantle and Sydney, what a top game and good result.

We are now based back at Kenilworth, the same spot we were just a few weeks ago, the van repairs have been put back until Monday as we are waiting for Insurance approval  ..... what have i always said about having plans ....... they just never work for us..

Sep 16, 2013

Bingara - Coober Pedy - September 2013

We had a lovely stay at Bingara, we wish we could have seen what we see now when my Mum lived here back in the 1990's, the town people are very friendly and the surrounding scenery and Gwyder River make camping here an absolute delight. We met Gus and Kathy who were camped up from us and each night we took it in turns to have the camp fire and happy hour. Gus was so taken by our Kimble Fire Pot that he bought one in town. A very nice couple and we hope to bump into them again somewhere.

Saturday the 7th we went in to town to vote, we stood in the queue for 3o minutes only to be told they didn't take interstate absentee votes and it would mean a drive to Moree, something we didn't want to do, the Electoral Officer told us to explain the situation when our fine arrives.

Our week of camping along the Gwyder was coming to an end, Rick and Julie were arriving and together we were heading to the Bushtracker Muster at Alice Springs. The route we were taking was one Rick had chosen and we were happy enough to tag along and looked forward to seeing something different. Rick is an amazing man with a memory of an encyclopedia and kept us entertained with information about the places we visited. One thing Rick didn't do was get Vickie a feed of Yabbies, we tried at most of the water holes and rivers but came up nil everytime.

So after filling up with water and emptying the loo cassette and doing a final shop we left Bingara and headed towards Moree, across to Walgett and up to Hebel where we stopped at a lovely river and listened to the hundreds of different frogs, the barking frog kept up his song all night but far from being annoying it was a very pleasent experience.

Frog Paradise

Peace and Tranquility accompanied by hundreds of Frogs
From Hebel we headed towards Goodooga and then onwards into the Culgoa Flood Plains, it was all dirt along here and it was great to be out in the bush with no other traffic, we got a bit bamboozled at Toulby as the previous floods had carved great channels in the tracks and once we finally worked out which way we should be heading we came across a locked gate on the main track in and out. A quick discussion and the decision was made to enter a hundred metres up where the fence had been laid down by previous travellers. Once back on the track proper we continued on until arriving at the Mitchell Highway where we turned right and towards Cunnumulla where we fueled up. It was here we saw a Bushtracker go past and as we were leaving town we were called up on the UHF, turned out it was fellow BOG members Rob and Liz Caldwell [Tellem Buggerum] They were heading up to Boulia to meet up with other club members.

Hebel Hotel
Hebel Store
Rick and Julie, Camp at Hebel Waterhole

The Old Dunny, do not stress there is a modern one
Tour anyone?
Onto Eulo where we stayed the night at the Paroo River, there were a few other campers already there but we had plenty of space, 30 minutes later Rob and Liz also turned up so a pleasant Happy Hour was had around the camp fire. The next day was a very short drive, we headed back into Eulo where we had a coffee and the local shop, checked out the leather shop where Julie bought a nice bag, visited the Date Winery where Vickie bought two bottles of Sticky Date Wine Liqueur and also took a look at the Mud Spa Baths. All very interesting. Camp that night was just 5klms along the river, it was hot and though the river looked like Yabby country nothing was caught, i was hoping for multitudes of birds to be around the area but it was very sparse on bird life, we christened it Lifeless Creek.

Didnt see one ....
Paroo River Camp
Business Opportunity?
Opal Store
Euro Queen Hotel
Euro Main Road

'Lifeless Creek' Euro 5 Mile Camp
The next day we were moving on to Thargomindah and then down to Noccundra and a visit to the Historic Hotel, No meals available so a quick drink and chat and then across to the river for some lunch. The diesel water pump was thumping away and the flies were thick so it was a no brainer to move on again this time heading for Cameron Corner.

Nocundra Hotel
Rick and Julie Left, Mick and Vickie Right
Lunch Stop
One of these is a REAL 4WD ... :-)

Camp on side of road, plenty of firewood, great night
 This was all new to us, Cameron Corner was one of those places on my bucket list so it was great to finally be going there. The track was varied in smooth and rough, i had aired down my tyres and was travelling along fine following Rick in his 200 series, from Cameron Corner we doubled back to join into the Strzelecki Track at Merty Merty, That night we camped at Monecolina Bore a lovely oasis in the desert, i had heard stories that rubbish was everywhere but it all looked clean to us, plenty of rabbits around maybe they were the cleaners.

Cameron Corner Store
Fueling up, $2.20 litre

3 State Marker

Montecollina Bore
Whistling Kite
Another happy hour but a relatively early night, we broke camp before Rick and Julie but they caught us up and it was around lunch time that we stopped and opened the van only to find the contents of the fridge and frezer were strewn around the floor, but was shocked us  even more was both doors had come off the fridge and bounced around in the van, we soon found out why the doors came off as the main hinge connecting the fridge and freezer had broken, we can only guess what happened after that but it appears the larger door got caught in the ocky strap holding the stove lid and door closed, it caused the brackets on both to give way and damage the oven, the grill also took a hammering and it all looks very sad. More damage was found with the shower screen perspex scratched and a couple of cupboard facias damaged and a tear in the vinyl floor.

The Hinge that caused the problems
One Stuffed Fridge
The Oven didn't fair any better
Taped Up for travel
We tried to make the best of things and transferred what we could into the car fridge and put everything back in the Van fridge and gaffer taped up the doors,

Montecollina Bore

It Took me to find a Yabby
Rabbits at Montecollina Bore

Blanchewater Ruins

The Smooth Section

Quang Dong ? Tree

Who drives down a dry river bed?

Mick to the rescue
Lake Eyre
We tried to think happy thoughts and continued along towards Lyndhurst where we fueled up at the Hotel, cheap fuel prices compared to the servo, 20c a litre difference but what an ignorant arsehole of a publican, we have never met anyone with such a lousy personality, our lunch order was stuffed up which resulted in us waiting a half hour longer than Rick and Julies, we were wondering why ours was taking so long and when i finally asked i was told "I made four burgers" ..... maybe but the other two were for the people who had left ...... where are ours? " For F&^% Sake" he replies the girl stuffed up .... Well mate we have news for you, your lucky to have anyone working for you, get up off your backside and smile occasionally !

Finally off the Strez and onto the Oodnadatta track, we hadnt checked the contents of the fridge as we only had one roll of tape  but when we did the contents had spoiled as the fridge was no longer working. Bugger, the meat we bought from the Bingara Butchers was superb and cost us $160 and it was a waste ..... so we put all the meat in a large bag and gave it to the owner of the William Creek Hotel for his dogs.

We stopped the night at Lake Eyre South Lookout where we had a lovely view, but millions of fly's, finally they left us and after a few drinks and a couple of Jaffles cooked over the fire i was off to bed with an aching back. I left Vickie and Rick chatting away, did i mention Rick is extremely knowledgeable. I laid listening for a while before putting the Sat Dish up and watching Carlton get beaten by Port Adelaide, great result !

Lake Eyre
Riding on Lake Eyre

Curdimurka Siding

William Creek Hotel
 We got into Coober Pedy yesterday and stayed at Riba's Van Park and underground camp ground, a very interesting place, you can camp under ground with your tent in a rabbit warren of tunnels, an excellent idea and great adventure if you have kids.

Monday morning it was phone time to the Insurance Company and Bushtracker, we decided to not continue on to the muster but head south and back to Queensland and get the repairs done as quickly as possible. We are extremely dissapointed not to be attending, we were looking forward to catching up with the many friends we have in the BOG group.

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....