Apr 10, 2013

April 2013 --- We are back


My last post was way back in November, what has kept me so busy that i could not have continued my posts ? The answer to that is doing very little other than just the usual things people when they are home.

We did have Christmas and like most years where we had other family share the day with us 2012 Christmas Day was different. This time it was a quieter time, as the years move along families grow and branch out, ours is no different. Our relatives spent the day either at home hosting their own or visiting other's. Christmas Day came and went, I never get off on the whole celebration thing and i am quite relieved when things get back to normal. Of course our Grand Daughters loved it, and as usual received way to many presents and we all had way to much food.

Christmas 2012
Eve's 1st Christmas
Millana and Ruby
So with that out of the way life at home settled down into a journey of Doctors for both Vickie and myself, my body has been hurting more each day and further tests show that my Joints and spine in particular is riddled with osteoarthritis, not much they can do other than prescribe pain relief, most of which disagree with me, making me nausea's and or sleepy. Having not lived in our home for over 5 years and therefore not attended to many small jobs around the house it gave us time to fix a few things up. The big jobs i can no longer do, so when we do take our home back we will have to do a complete makeover with painting being the priority by the professionals

It is pointless trying to write about what we have been doing as it really is just mundane, usual stuff that people do. The only thing worth mentioning is our youngest Daughter got married to Scott and the wedding took place in Kho Samui Thailand !

The wedding was 12 months in the planning, with invites going out early to give people the opportunity to plan for a holiday and attend the wedding at the same time. We were very pleased and surprised to get so many people attending, it's a mark of the character of Erin & Scott that so many family and friends made the effort and expense to attend.

Vickie and i went over for 12 days with the others arriving during that time, it seemed each day more guests were arriving and with the majority of them all staying at the same resort it became a real party atmosphere around the pool. It was our 1st visit to Kho Samui, all our other overseas trips have been to Bali which we enjoyed, here it was very different in respect to the shopping where the owners didn't hassle and everything was very clean compared to Bali. We hired a van and driver for a day and 7 of us toured around the island which is only 52k's in circumfrence, stopping at many places of interest, the weather was hot and humid and it was a relief to get back into the air conditioned van after each stop.

Four of us Boys hired Motor Scooters and had a fun day exploring the mountain trails, riding a motor bike in Bali or Thailand involves forgetting all what you know about road rules in Australia and just work on the principle ..... Don't Hit Me and I won't Hit You .. for most of the time it works well, we didn't have any worries and i really understand how the system works and love it. The freedom a motorbike gives you is beyond words, but don't bother unless you have the confidence in yourself.

Boys and Bikes
Wedding Day arrived and in the morning a lot of the girls were going into town to have manicure's and pedicures, why not i thought, so i went along as well. Well it was another 1st for me and one i can say i enjoyed, relaxed sitting in a chair between my two adorable beautiful Daughters getting the treatment was a fun time we will never forget. I was talked into having a foot scrub to get rid of the hard skin, another nice experience until afterwards it felt like they had removed 10mm of skin from my foot! .. Nice and soft but very tender, not the sort of feeling you want on the morning of a wedding.

By the time everyone had been pampered it was time to get back to the Resort and start to think about Lunch and Pre -Wedding drinks and a swim in the pool. Then it was back to our rooms and shower and get dressed in our smart casual beach wedding attire.

Erin and Scott were being looked after by Michelle, the Wedding Planner at the Resort Nora Beach and Michelle was fastidious in her attention to detail. Whilst the Groom and his Men attended to themselves in their Chalet, Erin and her Girls were in another luxurious Chalet getting themselves ready. Vickie and i were invited over to Erin's room early to have some photo's taken and see 1st hand our gorgeous baby getting her hair & make up done by Ashely the girlfriend of Trevor, Erin's Cousin.

Danny our son arrived with the video camera and proceeded to keep us and the photographer entertained with his poses, the whole scene was one of fun and relaxation, no stress.

The time had come for me, the Father of the Bride to walk his Daughter down the path's to the beach setting where everyone waited. The walk was partly a blur and partly so etched in my memory it will never go away. To think i was fortunate enough to have such a wonderful daughter, and for that matter such wonderful children I am so blessed. We walked past all the guests, we walked up to Scott, we shook hands, our eyes met and words did not need to be said, He is part of our family and we love him as a son, There was no need to adopt you after all Scott, you adopted us.

Father and the Bride
Scott and Erin

The ceremony was full of love and laughter, A baby Elephant arrived to join in with the celebrations which was really different, then it was time for thousands of photo's to be taken. When Erin & Scott went off with the Photographer it was time for the rest of us to head up to the reception. The Resort is built on the Beach and the reception area had been decorated beautifully, again the detail was amazing. With everyone mingling and a drink in their hands Us and Scott's parents were presented to the guests and then came the Bride & Groom. Speeches were made, a wonderful buffet meal was consumed along with many drinks, A Band had been organized and they were terrific barely stopping for a break in the six hours that they played. I do recall getting up on stage and pretending i knew how to sing, no need to go into detail there.


Eve Meets an Elephant
Walk past and Flower Throw
Guests and Family
Mic, Vickie, Erin with Eve, Scott, Caddie, Elle and Dan
Lets Get The Party Started
 I wont mention everyone who attended, thank you everyone! without you the day would not have been the same. Many would have loved to have been there but couldn't, and to those people we know you were there in spirit and you were in our thoughts. 

It was a wonderful Wedding, in a beautiful setting and full congratulations must go to the Nora Beach Wedding Planner, Michelle.

Nora Beach Resort Koh Samui

Me and my Baby

With only a few days left before flying home, we organized a boat trip around the Islands and some more shopping. As luck would have it the night before flying out Vickie was struck down with a tummy bug, severe enough to have to take her to Hospital and get some treatment. Unfortunately she wasn't well enough to fly so we had to stay an extra night and arrange new flights. Fortunately we had travel insurance and we were able to be reimbursed for the extra expenses.

So back home again, still living in our Van we have planned for the next big occasion, My 60th Birthday,  wow whoopee i think, but Vickie want's to make it a big deal for me and i love her for that. It wont be a fancy affair, and honestly i could do with out it but I'm sure i will enjoy it when it happens. Once that is out of the way we can get back to the serious business of travel, and Ningaloo is again # 1 on the list. We will get up there on the 10th of May and looking forward to two months of fishing and relaxing.

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....