Nov 11, 2012

Adelaide - October - November 2012

We have been camped at our daughters place in Adelaide for six weeks now, it certainly wasn't our intention to be here that long as we had hoped to get Vickie's eye operation bought forward but that did not happen. She is booked in for the 13th and then we have a week to wait until she has it checked before we can start to head West.

Adelaide feels like our 2nd home because we have been here so many times, Erin's home is very central to the city and nothing is to far away. We are just about regulars at the Chinese Cafe we go to at the Central Markets, we will miss that place for the delicious lunches when we leave, also the markets themselves which Vickie loves to do her grocery shopping. The prices are so much cheaper than back home and the choices are amazing.

Some Beautiful Motorbikes parked at Hahndorf SA
Taken with iphone and altered with Vintique
Plenty of beautiful character homes in SA

Red Peacock? no just altered with Vintique
Another version

We even started to dream about living in SA and searched the Internet for homes for sale, unfortunately the lotto numbers haven't come up so that dream got shelved. Instead we are looking at taking our Perth home back towards the end of next year and concentrating on doing some upgrades & maintenance to it, We don't intend to stop travelling just pull back on the amount and distance that we have been doing and concentrate on our home State and explore it more. Another good reason is to bond with our newest Granddaughter who is already 7 months old and we haven't seen her since Ningaloo when she was just two months old. Our son sends us photo's and we can't believe how much she has grown and changed in the time since. Our other two granddaughters Ruby and Millana  are now 6 and soon to be 8 and would love to have their Nana & Poppy around more.

Millana and Ruby
Elle, Dan & baby Eve

Beautiful Evie
We haven't got up to too much whilst being in Adelaide, drives out into the hills are always nice and we have had many nice lunches in the small towns that are scattered about in the hills. Vickie and i have upgraded our bikes and have been riding more, trying to lose a few kg before Christmas and also Erin's wedding in Koe Samui Thailand next year. It hasn't been easy with so many cafes, Villi's pie shop and some of the best Burger shops around. I love my chili and we found an excellent shop selling nothing but Chili products, we bought a few and the one i have tried since lives up to it's name 'One Fuckin' Drop At A Time' ... yes it is that hot but dripped on some food it is delicious.

Tasty Chicken and Rice with Laksa sauce, the two small bowls are the secret ingredients
Another yummy lunch
Burgers from the Burger Foundry Norwood SA

Certainly one of the biggest and tastiest Burgers i have had

Just a small section of a great range at Chile Mojo, Norwood SA
Take Note !!!

Well that's about it, after nearly 5 years of traveling throughout Australia our trip home will just be a 3-4 day drive as we have some jobs that need attending to at home, i'm certain i will be bored stupid as we will still be living in the van even when we get back.  Roll on Ningaloo 2013 :-)

Safe Travels to those on the roads, and an early Merry Christmas greeting.

Vickie and Mick

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....