Jun 5, 2012

Ningaloo June 2012

The 5th of June already? We can't have been here five weeks already !! Where have the days gone?

Life here has been described in previous updates as being like Ground Hog Day, but that suits us fine. Our days consist of Kayaking, Fishing, Snorkeling, and also just sitting around either reading, doing all the small jobs that require doing and just plain chilling out.

Nothing exceptional comes to mind when it involves Fishing, in fact this would likely be the most unsuccessful fishing time at Ningaloo yet, not that bothers us as we don't come here to fill the freezers and the fish that we have caught have been fun and i enjoy just taking photo's of them regardless of what type or size they are.

Trev's Goat Fish

Grinner Fish

 Not sure what this is.

 A Charlie Court

A Red Throat

Small Shark, i believe a long nose Grey Shark
A larger version

I have finally used a fish smoker that Erin bought me 2 or 3 years ago, I'm kicking myself i didn't try it out then. Vickie and i have caught some Golden Trevally and a couple of Queen fish and they have been superb cooked in the smoker.

Smoked Queen Fish

Not catching many quality fish has not stopped us from having some superb Fish & Chip nights, our intermediate neighbour's Brett and Doreen have dropped over a couple of parcels of filleted fish to Dave and Jo for them to share with us. Jo cooks a delicious battered fish and it's one of my favourite Ningaloo meals.

Joanne's camp cooked 'Charlie Court' - Delicious

Our Neighbour's to the North, Murray & Debbie have also been generous and shared some freshly caught squid with us, we have tried 'squiding' ourselves but our luck is not with us this year, still it's early days and with still 5 or 6 weeks to go our luck may change and 2012 could be our best yet, time will tell.

2012 may also be the best year for the Richmond Tigers in a long time, i have enjoyed watching them finally become competitive and to see them beat our son in law's team Hawthorn was a great pay back to follow it up with another win over St Kilda was great fun watching it on the Satellite TV.

Picture tells the story

And down go St Kilda

We are expecting Trev to be back on Thursday, the poor bugger had to drive himself to work for his shift on the mines, Ashley has stayed in camp with Jo & Dave and the three girls are possessed with playing cards during the times they are not in or on the water. Vickie's lower back has played up again and she has had to rest a few days, a similar thing happened here last year and it was a trip into the Exmouth Hospital so we are hoping that it settles down with out treatment. We are planning on going into town tomorrow, the weather has turned unsettled with showers and dark sky's, a walk along the beach flicking lures produced nothing but it filled in an hour or two.

Dave and Golden Trevally

Vickie is on to another 

A family camped up the beach from us spotted our car and it's number plates and said to me "your the reason we are here at Ningaloo, I read your blog" well with over 56,000 hits i suppose i was bound to bump into someone who had visited. Nice people too and they enjoyed themselves which is always great to hear.

 Bernie and Family

 Followed on from last year we had another gourmet Pizza night, I love pizza and these are so much better than any shop bought, stick this in front of me and don't stand in my way.

In three weeks time we have our Son, Daniel and his Fiance Elle along with their new baby Evie joining us, we are looking forward to that, lets hope the weather turns it on along with the fishing.

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....