Nov 12, 2009

Head Home for Xmas

No site seeing for us on the journey home, it wasn't a quick drive as we took 7 days to drive from Adelaide to home, {i have previously driven Brisbane to Home in 3} I find the longest & most boring section was between Norseman & Home, i think that makes it around 24 times we have travelled the 'Nullabour'

Now at home catching up with jobs around the house and having Grand Daughters crawl over us, lovely to see them & family. I probably won't update the site again untill we hit the road again just after Christmas so,

Merry Christmas & Safe Travels to all our mates.

Nov 2, 2009

Coorong - Louth Bay

After leaving the Coorong we headed back to 'home' base Glenelg, It was Erin's Birthday so we decided to come back a few days early. So the van was once again parked on their front yard, we did the usual filling in time things for the week whilst waiting for Vickie's specialist appointment on the 29th. We went and visited Brian & Lis and did lots of walking around the street's.

Vickie's Doctor was pleased with the way her eye was responding to the injections and decided to give her some laser treatment and try and reduce the swelling behind the retina. Her eye sight will not ever be what it was but hopefully with the injections to reduce the blood vessels and the laser it will not get any worse, and it means she doesn't have to return for 3 months instead of every 6 weeks.

So instead of flying back to Perth to share our Granddaughters 5th Birthday at the end of November we have decided to drive the rig back and stay for Xmas as well. This allows us plenty of time to catch up with family and to unload some gear that we have accumulated over time and bring back some things for Erin when we return.

We are taking our time though and have re-visited the Yorke Penninsula and at present at Louth Bay on the Eyre Penninsula. The camp area is almost full with 6 other vans / motorhome and all seem a friendly bunch. Yesterday the weather was beautiful but during the night we heard the rumbles of thunder and saw flashes of lightning and awoke to the sound of falling rain, it didn't last long though and after Breakfast i went to the jetty for a squid, the wind came howling through and it was a battle to hold onto the bucket with one squid and my rods, next thing before i knew it my Akubra went flying into the water, Bugger loosing my hat! so i quickly rushed back to the car and left the gear on the ground, made sure keys and phone were out of my pocket and went into the water to retrieve my hat, by this time the wind had blown it 200 metres out but i wasn't going to lose it so i swam out and got it back, some 'locals' watching me said you must love that hat, plenty of sharks around here ..... lol

yes i do .. a well fitting Akubra is worth risking life for :-)

The bad weather seems to have passed us now so it's time to go back to the jetty and try for a few more.

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....