Jan 22, 2009

Safety Bay - Sth West WA

Finally we are on the road, have been for the past 6 days !! That's the good news, the bad news is Vickie has been laid up for most of that time with a crook back culminating in a trip to the Albany hospital for some professional help. The staff and Doctors there were great and gave Vickie some much needed TLC that only drugs can give, X-Rays showed she has a curvature of the spine and the recent heavy lifting and packing has not helped and she has muscle spasm's, two weeks rest and some anti inflammatory drugs should see her right.

I can say that the 3 nights we stayed at Cosy Corner was lovely, a delightful spot with ocean views and amenities such as free BBQ & toilet block. This evening will be spent at a van park in Albany and then we will move onto Bremer Bay & finally Lucky Bay east of Esperence and stay there for a fortnight or until Vickie feels better.

More photos can be found here

We are now at Bremer Bay, and Vickie has improved a lot so that is good news. In the caravan park we bumped into the people who bought our previous Van and Car, was nice to meet up but i don't miss the old rig one bit. Met 'our neighbours' David and Christine who have had a permanent camp set up at Bremer for many years, Went and chucked a few lures at a back beach, very scenic around here and looks very fishy country, No salmon but at least i caught something :-)

The F250 isn't a small vehicle, check out how its dwarfed by the wind generator

Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

 Arrived back home in Safety Bay WA after battling the worst head winds we have encountered for many years, rain and wind, wind & rain ....