Aug 3, 2024

Woodford - Eumundi Again

 Driven roughly 5300klms so we can visit Eumundi Markets again … 😂 The things we (I) do .. Happy Wife, Happy Life 😁

Nothing has changed that I saw, still recognised many of the stall holders from many visits and years ago. No bread boards bought this time but we did buy some nice bird paintings, some for the van and some for home. 

Eumundi Main Street, Been there Done that 

Whew .. though I did feel sorry the seller might go broke without Vickie buying up .. 🤣

Pigging out on 1st grade mince 🥴

Two days at Woodford Showgrounds and tomorrow we move on to visit long term friends at Nanango. 

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Caiguna to Boondi Rock and Home

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